About UIS




Unity Int’l School is an English Medium School in which all instructions are carried out in English with the exception of the national language, which is taught in Bangla. Pre-school to O’ level Cambridge curriculum.

The name ‘Unity’ reflects the human harmony and their united work which will make the world safer, secured and highly developed irrespective of their religion, color, class, culture and nationality.

UIS looks forward to working closely with the parents, government as well as local and international development institutions having a lasting impact on the minds of children. As said by the educational experts “the best investment in the world is that parents‟ investment in their children’s’ education”.

Our Mission:

All child is an individual; that all children are creative; that all children need to succeed. Our School role is to help each student come into confident possession of innate talents, improve the skills needed for success life, and establish values that will allow him to act with thoughtfulness and humanity.

To provide a safe, caring, therapeutic environment where students with psychiatric, educational, and social challenges can best develop the skills and character necessary to rejoin their communities with success

UIS prepares students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a rapidly changing society, and thus make the world a better and more just place. We will ensure that our students develop both the skills a sound liberal arts education provides, and the competencies essential for success and leadership in the emerging creative economy. We will also lead in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that enables people to better understand our world and improve conditions for local and global communities.

Our Vision:


  • UIS will inspire hope to ensure students believe in themselves & their futures. UIS committed to providing students, families & the community with support & guidance by providing engaging & meaningful learning
  • Creativity, innovation, and a desire to challenge the status both in what and how we teach and in the intellectual ambitions of the School itself. Social engagement, orienting students’ academic experience to help them become critically engaged citizens dedicated to solving problems and contributing to the public good.

Parents and Community

Our many parent and volunteers help with literacy, numeracy, assistive technology, special events, field trips and fundraising. The UIS meets monthly and consists of very involved parents, guardians and a community representative, as well as staff members. These volunteers are dedicated to strengthening educational opportunities and partnerships with the community and are committed to making the school a better place for our students to learn by coordinating volunteer activities and providing a liaison between families and the school.

Programs and Services

  • Academic Programs

Regular English Program Our teachers are dedicated to their students‟ learning. Teachers emphasize the joy of learning by making their lessons authentic. Full-Day Junior and Senior program was implemented at in along with the Extended Care program.

Our teaching is not only limited to pen and paper. We will arrange National and International events every year for our students‟ enjoyment and refreshment like Annual Sports, Art Competition, Quiz Competition, Annual Picnic etc. We will provide extracurricular activity clubs where students get to take time concentrating on their hobbies and passion. All these activities will make our goals even stronger as they tend to increase our students‟ interests towards their studies.

The academic year (July-June) includes approximately more than 200 institutional days and allows summer vacation in June/July, winter vacation in December and the prescribed religious and public holidays.

UIS is a school for today with a difference. It is a colorful combination of people, teacher, staff and admin from all walks of life with no discrimination for creed, religion, social status and color. Advices and recommendation is highly appreciated from parents.

Uniquely National and International

UIS is well prepared to welcome students from national and international levels. We aim to develop the children’s level of concentration and their sense of perseverance. We encourage children to interact in groups, share and develop children’s sense of appropriate behavior in various situations. We also work in partnership with parents to educate their children.

Teaching Quality:

UIS will never compromise in quality of teaching methods and will be following very good and systematic discipline and continuous monitoring. UIS will make every effort to provide a warm, caring, supportive environment where children can grow emotionally strong. Each child is unique and is assisted to develop at his/her own pace.

UIS is committed to:

  • Inform, Educate and Entertain
  • Obtain skills for life(language, computer )
  • Learning through games
  • Building future leaders for the nation
  • Say “NO”to violence, “YES”to care and education
  • Say “NO”to drugs. “YES”to sports

Exceptional Resources and Facilities:

Our first class facilities include

  • Hi-tech Computer Lab
  • Modern Multimedia Room
  • A Good Library
  • A Science Lab
  • Lots of indoor and outdoor games for kids
  • Accommodate only 12/15 students in one class

Achievement and School Improvement Planning

Measures of Student Achievement and Success

The following are examples of evaluation strategies used here at UIS:

  • Regular assessment in all areas of the curriculum
  • Evaluation by class participation
  • Presenting individual or group projects
  • Self and peer evaluation
  • Student-led conferencing and Portfolios

Through the School Improvement Process, we use a variety of tools and regularly review our students‟ performances, strengths and areas of needs. We select specific goals and create plans with focused activities to reinforce the particular skills. We measure students‟ level of performance at the beginning and at the end of each learning cycle, and constantly adjust our teaching and learning goals to meet the students‟ needs.

Using technology as a learning tool, we engage students and promote critical thinking. We are using a data-driven model to research and implement the use of technology for all students within an inclusive, success-oriented environment.

School Improvement Plans and Initiatives

UIS focus on learning goals and success criteria to improve student learning area. To improve literacy across the curriculum: We use the balanced literacy framework which incorporates all reading approaches and multiple strategies to support students‟ needs to become proficient communicators. UIS approach provides and cultivates the skills of reading, writing, and thinking, speaking and listening for all students. Our balanced literacy program includes: reading aloud, modeled reading and writing, shared reading and writing, guided reading and writing, and independent reading and writing. We collect student data and analyze our results to identify achievements and areas for improvement. Our staff members work together and learn from one another. They attend workshops and participate in learning networks with UIS colleagues and staff from other schools. We receive wonderful support from our Learning Support Consultants, staff from the curriculum, special education and technology departments.

To improve skills across the mathematics curriculum: We are focusing our school-wide mathematics program on using a consistent approach to problem-solving throughout the grades.

Co-Curricular Activities: UIS arranges many kind of competition like as Art Competition, Spelling Competition, and Storytelling Competition, Science fair Competition, Picnic, and Pitha-Uthsob & Math Competition, Shopping knowledge etc.

UIS Programs:UIS Programs follows by:

Interview SessionOpening ProgramFun Class
Training ProgramArt CompetitionPicnic
Water PlayShopping KnowledgeSport
Creative writingBooks FairComputer Training
CraftworkStorytellingSpoken English for students

Interview Session:In this year 2014, Month of May an Interview session was arranged by UIS. UIS Authority decided to choose some knowledgeable teacher.

Picture:Interview Session

Opening Program: In this year 2014, June 21, UIS arranged Opening program & that program Chief Guest was “Advocate Sahara Khatun.” In this program UIS made some multimedia clip about UIS Present & future.


Training Program: UIS arranged some training program for UIS employees. Training program helps them to increase confidence and a better understanding of managing student behavior, the chance to think about teaching style and explore new ways of teaching, the chance to meet a wide range of practitioners from a variety of different backgrounds and talk about teaching better future career prospects a way of using experience in industry to develop.

Picture:Training about the teaching categories

Picture:UIS Employees in Training Program

Art Competition:

Children naturally love art – painting, drawing, making music, the theater. Unfortunately, when schools cut back on budgets, the arts are usually the first to go. It seems that schools do not appreciate the importance of art in building a kids brain. Physiologically, the human brain consists of 2parts, the left and the right


The left brain is used in logical thinking and analytical processes. This is typically what is trained in school work that consists of math, reading, and science. The right brain is used in emotional perception, intuition and creativity.

It is the right brain that is mainly used when a person is involved in creative endeavors such as making art. It is this part of the brain that the typical school environment neglects to train. It is shown that when gifted kids solve problems in their areas of giftedness, there is an increase extra activity in both hemispheres. It appears that for the brain to be efficient, the two hemispheres of the brains must work together.

  • Kid learns to think creatively, with an open mind
  • Kid learns to observe and describe, analyze and interpret
  • Kid learns to express feelings, with or without
  • Kid practices problem-solving skills,critical-thinking skills, dance, music, theater and art-making skills, language and vocabulary of the arts
  • Kid discovers that there is more than one right answer, and multiple points of view
  • Kid learns to collaborate with other children and with adults
  • Arts introduce children to cultures from around the world
  • Kid can blossom and excel in the arts. Even with physical, emotional or learning challenges can experience success in the arts.
  • Arts build confidence. Because there is not just one right way to make art, every child can feel pride in his or her original artistic creations.
  • Arts build community. Schools with a variety of differences can celebrate the arts as one community.

Picture: Art Competition

Water Play: UIS arranged a “Water Play Event” for junior section students. A lot of children enjoy water play. There are so many great benefits from water play. Water play helps a child with gross motor skills. During water play, the children may be running through sprinklers or filling buckets up with water and pouring the water out.

Water play also helps with academic learning as well. As far as science, the children are able to learn about floating and sinking and seeing that different objects can sink and float. In math, children are able to learn about measuring a certain amount of water into a bucket, more and less by filling one bucket with more water and one bucket with less water. Water play also encourages creativity. The children are able to pretend and use their imagination, while playing with the water. Water play is a lot of fun and has so many wonderful developmental benefits for your child.

Shopping Knowledge:

Shopping knowledge is one kind of event for developing the student math knowledge & also them known about how to collect all items in different area.

Picture: Shopping knowledge


Books Fair:

Book fairs give children a motivation to read by offering them a wide selection of books to choose from that they can look at before they decide to buy. UIS book fairs give the man even bigger selection because we get books from many different publishers. They help raise money for the school library and reading programs. They give parents and kid an opportunity to pick out and read books together. This increases the likelihood that they will want to continue reading.

They give you the chance to instill a love of reading that lasts a lifetime. They give teachers a chance to see and buy books they might want for their classroom. They give kids a choice in what inspires them to read more. Book Fairs involve family, which demonstrates to kids that reading is important.


As a learning activity, arts and crafts have traditionally been passed over in favor of more academic pursuits. But craft – particularly developmentally appropriate craft activities – can aid learning in other areas like language, music, art, social studies, science, maths, health, and nutrition.

Crafts have been around since the beginning of time when people made everything they used with their hands. Today, crafts are a great pastime and educational tool for kids. It can not only keep the kids entertained on a rainy day, but also extend a child’s fine motor skills , develop concepts like colour or numbers and see scientific processes like gluing and paint drying in action. Craft allows kids to explore ideas or concepts and then express it by making something to keep, entertain others with or simply look at for visual pleasure.

Craft is a great way to engage your pre-schooler, toddler or baby in ideas that provide foundation for future learning. Craft helps to extend their thinking across multiple patterns of intelligence, to develop higher thinking skills, to enhance multicultural understandings, to build self esteem, to gain positive emotional responses to learning, to engage through a variety of learning styles.

Activities to complement craft as a learning tool

Creative writing – writing stories as a hobby is a great way for children to enhance their literacy skills and use their imagination. They can turn their stories into drawings and make their own books.

Storytelling – the oldest art form in the world is to tell stories orally, and it lies at the heart of the way we think and make sense of our world. Stories could include real and fiction events.

Debating – this will give your child the ability to present an argument persuasively, to understand that there are two sides to most arguments and the confidence to speak in front of a room full of people, to name but a few skills.

Coloring in patterns:

Colouring in for kids is always fun but with this cool activity, kids will draw their own patterns and start colouring in. Free drawing for kids is great. It encourages them to use their imagination.

Make paper chain decorations

Paper chains represent many things. Linking of cultures, the joining of hearts, Christmas decorations or just for the fun of it! Make some paper chains and linkup some crazy contrasting colours with the kids.


Story telling is an art that has mental, social and educational benefits on children. People of all ages love stories. Children are great fans of stories and love to listen to them. Storytelling literally means reading out stories to them or just telling a story from the memory to them. It is becoming a lost art today as many parents find very little time to spend with kids as the hustle and bustle of life demands them to reserve more time for the needs of life.

Storytelling strengthens brain development. Without text and pictures, storytelling teaches children how to listen deeply, visualize characters and remember a sequence of events. It not only supports literacy via listening to the rhythmic cadences of the mother tongue, it can convey morals, values and wisdom. The therapeutic benefits however are what are often overlooked

Study Tour:

UIS will arrange study tour program to help students for developing their knowledge. An educational tour offers an opportunity for a rich immersion experience, and a tremendous way to facilitate learning. In an educational tour, students have the chance to experience a culture firsthand, connecting with the people and place on a much deeper level than they ever could in the classroom. Students have the opportunity to talk to local people, which can broaden their perspective greatly.

Science exhibition:

A science fair project is an activity that integrates almost every skill children has been taught. Participating in science fair projects helps develop a feeling of confidence and competence among students, and fosters a spirit of scientific inquiry. A science fair project is an experience that can be challenging and self-validating.

School Sports:

UIS will arrange school sports program for UIS Students. Kids who are active in school sports are fitter, have healthier body weights and are more confident. The risk of blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases is lower among physically active people, which makes it all the more important for children to appreciate the importance of physical activity at a young age.

Games are important for students/kids because help their development, build skills and improve health.
Doctors and educators believe that we should see play as serious learning way. Through play, children/students/kids develop thinking skills and abilities that help them to succeed in their future.

Improved Social Skills

Participation in school sports provides a sense of belonging and being part of a team or group. They interact with their peers in a friendly manner. They learn to consider the interests of their teammates and to practice mutual respect and cooperation. They work together, share time and other resources, take turns to play and learn to cope with success and failure as a team. These interactions facilitate bonding and lasting friendships with their schoolmates, which can help make children more sociable and outgoing as they grow.

Better Health

Children who do not participate in sports or other physical activities are more likely to grow up to be inactive adults. Participation in school sports supports the healthy growth of the heart, lungs, muscles and bones. It also improves agility, coordination and balance. Exercise also helps reduce stress levels, anxiety and behavioral problems. Regular physical activity helps you relax better and reduces muscular tension.

Annual Picnic:

UIS will arrange yearly picnic and encourage every student along with parents, relatives to attend the event, and there would be fees to be paid per person as decided by the picnic committee.

Picnic is important because it helps students/kids relax, improve their mood and strengthen their relationships. Picnics can also be a great way to spend time with nature and enjoy the outdoors, breathe in the fresh air, bond with class-mates and friends, go out of stress, enjoy a healthy food as well as a free vitamin – D from the Sun ray.

Medical Facilities:

Once in a year UIS will arrange health check-up (including eyes and teeth) for students by specialized doctors.

Books,Copies and Stationeries:

Parents are asked to collect the booklist from the office and buy all the books and stationeries from outside and collect all copies and diary from school.

Extra Set of Clothing:

Please note the young students end up spilling liquids in their school uniform and parents are requested to keep one set of extra clothing in the student’s school bag. A small hand towel comes in very handy for students in junior classes for any unexpected mishaps.

UIS is the basic foundation of knowledge being imparted to a child. It gives a chance to children to acquire knowledge on various fields of education, such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics, and other numerous subjects. By obtaining knowledge, a person is in a better position to help other people.

Attending regular school gives a chance to meet new children of your age. While some remain only classmates, some get close only to become good friends for many years or even lifetime. Meeting new people and socializing also broadens your parameters of knowledge. Nowadays, school has become the first stepping stone in the life of a child, wherein he/she learns a lot more than just rote learning. Developing hobbies, refining them, learning basic etiquettes, getting skilled at multi tasking, developing social skills.