UIS is build on the idea of facilitating the learning of Quran along with general education in English Medium. Hifz is an Arabic term that refers to the recitation and memorization of the Quran in Islam. The practice of hafazan is unique in the Islamic field because it focuses on character development in students. We want our students to grow as Hafez, Hafeza or Islamic scholars as they grow academically and they will embrace the Qur’an in every aspect of their lives.
Here are some things to know about hifz:
- Learning methods
There are many methods for memorizing the Quran, and each method can have a different impact on the quality of memorization.
- Educational spaces
The luminance level of educational spaces used for hafazan can impact students’ learning.
- Learning tools
There are tools available to help children learn to read, understand, and recite the Quran, such as Al-Quran Hafazan Tanafus Junior. This tool includes a detailed focus on each word, explanations of each ayat, and a comprehensive guide to studying tajweed.
- Hifzul Quran Learning Process:
- Qaeda
- Ampara
- Nazera
This process normally takers 4-5 years. Maximum 6 years if needed. Depending on the capability of students, they can finish it in 2-3 years.